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The world of THE SHY LIFE PODCAST is a strange world; a world where Shy Yeti and his friends live! Just as you are beginning to think that it is a completely normal place it will turn around and surprise you and quite probably some very odd things will happen; but I really do promise that they'll be enjoyable...

Jun 30, 2018

Here we are for episode 179 - in which we meet my old friend. Leigh Robertson, from the podcast Chewing The Cud. We discuss a recent cinema trip - musing how many dinosaurs we have seen on the streets recently and then we move onto music and beyond. We hear from the regulars - there are also poems - only old enemy of the show, Zap is on hand to cause as much trouble as possible. Of course we soldier ever on!! Our next episode, number 180 sees us sharing an episode that we recorded in Copenhagen back in early May 2018. Do join us, won't you?! Please email me at if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it on the show. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. Sound effects by Paul Chandler. All content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2018.  Episode 179 was recorded between the 17th and 19th June 2018. This episode contains a very brief SUTTON PARK clip from the mid-1990s.