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The world of THE SHY LIFE PODCAST is a strange world; a world where Shy Yeti and his friends live! Just as you are beginning to think that it is a completely normal place it will turn around and surprise you and quite probably some very odd things will happen; but I really do promise that they'll be enjoyable...

Jun 13, 2021

Here we are for episode 441! This time Paul and Martin discuss many of their favourite fictional detectives and the books from whence they first emerged! Paul also has to do a little basic real-life sleuthing himself when the regulars have left the house untidy... who can be to blame!? Please Note: Deeley shows up towards the end of this edition with lots of opinions of his own - I have allowed him to speak, even though he didn't wait his turn... Many of my listeners would be very cross had I edited him out! Our next episode, #442 sees Nick rejoining us for a chat about some of the homes that he and Mr Yeti have lived in over the years... Do join us and let us make you feel at home! Please email me at if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it. The music is by Shy Yeti and Luca. Special effects by Paul Chandler and Toppie Smellie. All content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2021. Episode 441 was recorded on the 2nd June 2021.