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The world of THE SHY LIFE PODCAST is a strange world; a world where Shy Yeti and his friends live! Just as you are beginning to think that it is a completely normal place it will turn around and surprise you and quite probably some very odd things will happen; but I really do promise that they'll be enjoyable...

Oct 20, 2022

Here we are for episode 581! In which we pick up from where we left off at Bettina's Garden Party - the vampires are about to reveal themselves, but the only other people who know are Paul and Toppie and they are trapped down in the cellar! Will our two heroes escape? Are all the guests in danger? Is there anyone else on hand to help out? Find out here! Our next episode, #582 sees us reconnecting with our old friend Canadian Ryan as he takes up a shift at a comicbook shop on Jupiter! What EVER will occur? Thank you to Toppie Smellie fand Adam E. Hoak for being our special guest during this episode, to Warren C for his cameo appearance and also many thanks to Muffleyontour for the use of his musical tracks BETTINA'S WALTZ and SIX FOURS. There is quite a lot of music this episode (well, it is a party!) - I have a new piece included called PANIC and there is quite a bit from the fantastic copyright free music site Email us at if you have any comments - you can even send me a sound-file and I'll include it. The music is by Shy Yeti, Muffleyontour, and Luca. Sound effects by Paul C and Soundbible. All other content of this episode is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2022. Episode 581 was recorded between the 20th May and the 9th October 2022, with additional dialogue recorded at time of editing in mid-October 2022.