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The world of THE SHY LIFE PODCAST is a strange world; a world where Shy Yeti and his friends live! Just as you are beginning to think that it is a completely normal place it will turn around and surprise you and quite probably some very odd things will happen; but I really do promise that they'll be enjoyable...

Jan 30, 2017

Here we are for episode FIFTY - in which Mr Yeti is reunited with The Smellcast team: Toppie Smellie and the rest of his gang. Paul and Toppie discuss old sitcoms, The Shy Life Podcast regulars chat with the Pickle Hollow team and all manner of hilarity ensues! Our next episode, number 51 - sees Mr Yeti catching up...

Jan 22, 2017

Here we are for episode FORTY NINE - where, battling technical difficulties, Mr Yeti catches up with D.J. Starsage and The Duchess Sue from the Faraway Nearby Podcast. We also hear from some of the regulars. Our next episode, number 50 - sees Mr Yeti reunited with his favourite gang of podcasters from Pickle Hollow....

Jan 18, 2017

Here we are for episode FORTY EIGHT - and it is our 4th live Pride48 show already! This time we take a ride on a UFO, catchup with some of the regulars and discuss the topics of the moment with the chat-room; Paul also finds a diary of his from when he had just turned 13! Thank you to all those involved in the...

Jan 14, 2017

Here we are for episode FORTY SEVEN - where we present the resolution of our New Year's Eve show (episode 45). Who will survive Cromitty's evil plan and what can the Paul's do to help! Once this is resolved we join Paul and John as they file through some "lost" material from the podcast - a mixture of memories, poems...

Jan 9, 2017

Here we are again! Episode FORTY SIX sees THE SHY LIFE PODCAST pause the drama to do a quick recap of the week between Christmas and New Year! The result is an episode full of poetry, seasonal cheer, travel and special guests! Those guests include Paul H and all 4 members of my family, we will also be hearing from many...