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The world of THE SHY LIFE PODCAST is a strange world; a world where Shy Yeti and his friends live! Just as you are beginning to think that it is a completely normal place it will turn around and surprise you and quite probably some very odd things will happen; but I really do promise that they'll be enjoyable...

Jun 30, 2018

Here we are for episode 179 - in which we meet my old friend. Leigh Robertson, from the podcast Chewing The Cud. We discuss a recent cinema trip - musing how many dinosaurs we have seen on the streets recently and then we move onto music and beyond. We hear from the regulars - there are also poems - only old enemy of...

Jun 29, 2018

Here we are for episode 178 of THE SHY LIFE PODCAST and in a change to the scheduled episode we hear from Yeti Uncle John who has recorded a diary during recent training for his new job as a tour guide in space. We hear from Paul, Cromitty, Martin, Bettina and Dameus - not to forget Ikk who plays a big part in...

Jun 26, 2018

Here we are for episode 177 - which was our show for the Pride48 Live Summer Streaming Event 2018! It's a busy show and Nick joins me in the studio to help me out! We discuss the event so far - hear from Ikk and Martin and also Dameus and Bettina and keep up with comments in the chat-room. Not only that but we revive...

Jun 22, 2018

Here we are for episode 176 - which sees the return of two previous guests of the show - Beverley From Work and Toppie Smellie from The Smellcast. Beverley and I discuss some of her favourite music whilst enjoying the sunny weather - whilst Toppie and I get up early to chat about coffee and thinking back to a fictional...

Jun 20, 2018

Here we are for episode 175 - it's the first of two live shows this month... There are also some poems from Paul's book SHY YETI'S INCREDIBLE PIE-CRUST COLLECTION which has just celebrated its 10th anniversary! Cromitty and Yeti Uncle John make an appearance - there is chatter about the forthcoming June Live Pride48...